Lawrence, the best place to be

The Labor Day weekend approaches and it is the best weekend of the year in Lawrence.  Many festivals, food, cultural performances and pride that come to us in many different languages.

We at Rumbo are honored to sponsor the Feast of the Three Saints and the Festival of Bread and Roses, and strongly advise members of our Spanish-speaking community to continue being part of this tradition.

The Feast of the Three Saints takes place on Friday 29, Saturday 30 and Sunday, August 31 and is being celebrated it for 91 consecutive years.  The main event this year is the concert on the main stage at the end of Common Street, starring Ray Massa’s Eurorhyms.  On Saturday and Sunday there will be fun for the whole family with Italian cultural events.

Also on Saturday and Sunday, St. Anthony’s Maronite Catholic Church will have its Mahrajan, a Lebanese annual festival with the best food, belly dancers and traditional music.  It’s great fun to watch young men dancing to their infectious folk music.

The Bread and Roses Festival is held on Monday, September 1st on the Campagnone Common and it has been paying tribute for the past 30 years to many nationalities living and working in Lawrence a century ago and the contributions made to the labor movement.  Lawrence Heritage State Park always makes a Herculean task to get representatives from many different countries to bring the taste of the people who created this brave city.

This is a weekend not to stay home.  Enjoy learning about the cultures that made Lawrence what it is today, while paying tribute to those who worked so hard to give us the working conditions that we cherish today.