Lighting the Menorah at Lawrence City Hall

By Dalia Diaz

A group of Jewish residents and their friends gathered at Lawrence City Hall to commemorate the lighting of the Menorah on Sunday, December 2nd.

The ceremony began with lighting one candle and singing The Menorah Blessing. Many Jewish communities in the United States observe the first day of Hanukkah, which marks the start of Hanukkah, also known as Chanukah or Festival of Lights. Hanukkah is an eight-day Jewish observance that remembers the Jewish people’s struggle for religious freedom.

The menorah is a symbol of the Jewish faith, and is recorded in the Bible as first appearing in the days of Moses. According to the Bible, the first menorah was made from a single piece of gold, and presented for use in the first Temple of Jerusalem.

Many Americans of Jewish faith also eat food fried in olive oil, such as potato latkes (pancakes), and Brenda Rozzi’s husband John Rozzi, prepared lots of them for everyone in attendance. They are topped with either sour cream or apple sauce.

Hanukkah events in the United States include daytime or evening events featuring popular food eaten during Hanukkah, particularly food fried in oil. There are also music nights reserved for singing and playing the dreidel, games events, as well as concerts and plays. The dreidel is a toy that is popular during the Hanukkah celebrations. It is a spinning top with a different Hebrew letter inscribed in each of its four sides – the four letters form an acronym meaning “a great miracle happened here”.

There is also the tradition of giving a present to friends and relatives each night. It doesn’t have to be big or expensive but a simple touch signifying your love. “The problem is that it has become a custom only with the children,” said Brenda lamenting how traditions are changing.