2019 is the Year of Women

By Isabella Perales

The month of March is known as the International Women’s Month, when women are celebrated and all those who have played a role in history. There is no doubt that 2019 is the year of women. In recent years we have seen how not only the number of women in the labor force has increased, but also the large percentage of women who have excelled in their area, opening the way for generations to come. The market has changed: almost 50 percent of the American workforce is made up of women and this number is expected to increase to 56% in the next 4 years.

In 2018 elections were held to elect representatives of Congress. Approximately a quarter of this will be made up of women. This number is a historical record in the United States; never 102 women had been part of this institution. This represents an irreversible trend in the country where we can observe how women begin to become more visible figures and assume leadership positions.

This change is also evident in the landscaping and gardening industry. According to the 2016 State of Women’s Businesses Study conducted by American Express, more than 1.3 million women in the United States own companies in the landscaping and gardening industry. In young women, a greater number of women who have enrolled in landscaping programs at universities, such as North Carolina State University, have also been observed. Figures like this reflect not only how women have diversified and strengthened the landscaping industry and the importance of their participation within it, but also the interest of new generations to participate in it.

“The percentage of women in business is growing. Women are beginning to take over and become entrepreneurs in all fields, especially Latina women. Women are competitive in all facets of the market because they implement their value as women, as caregivers and, in being in charge, contribute to the success of the business. Women are starting to make their mark in the landscaping and gardening industry,” said Pam Berrios, president of the National Hispanic Garden and Landscaping Alliance (NHLA for its acronym in English). “I think this is also due, not only to our preparation, but also because we can build trust, establish relationships with our clients, and our work reflects a lot of attention to detail. However, there is still much to do and we, outstanding professionals with years of experience in the industry, must assume a more active role and invite women to be part of the industry.

Although the number of women in the landscaping and gardening industry has increased, it continues to be dominated primarily by men. There is a lot of scope for women to grow professionally in the industry and assist in the growth, development, and strengthening of this. Professional women in the industry should approach and invest in the recruitment of women to be part of the staff of their companies. Many assume that the industry only offers job opportunities for men and that it is limited only to field work, such as planting and maintaining plants. An information campaign could educate many about the different branches of the landscaping and gardening industry and the job opportunities that exist, such as design, architecture, the study of plants, management, customer service, etc. This could be extremely beneficial and even attract women interested in this type of work.