From My Corner: October 15, 2014
Bonilla’s trial Now that the trial has ended I feel more comfortable commenting on it because we know facts that we had no knowledge of before. It is very irresponsible passing judgment when the information […]
Bonilla’s trial Now that the trial has ended I feel more comfortable commenting on it because we know facts that we had no knowledge of before. It is very irresponsible passing judgment when the information […]
El juicio de Bonilla Ahora que el juicio ha terminado me siento más cómoda comentando porque sabemos cosas de las cuales no teníamos conocimiento antes. Es muy irresponsable emitir un juicio cuando la información no […]
The LHS first Hall of Fame was started in 1987. This group was led by former LHS principal and former great HS star Bill Callagy and Joe DeFillipo. After so many years of not having […]
Giving your free time to help others without expecting a financial reward is a noble and laudable sentiment. Thanks to this collective sense large organizations have emerged that today could not exist without them. During […]
Prestar su tiempo libre para ayudar al prójimo sin esperar recompensa económica, es un sentimiento noble y loable. De este sentimiento colectivo han surgido grandes empresas que hoy no podríamos existir sin ellas. Durante el […]
En un esfuerzo por reforzar la importancia del acceso a la salud y la accesibilidad para todos, el Secretario John Polanowicz, director ejecutivo de Salud y Servicios Humanos vino a Lawrence para delinear las fechas […]
In an effort to reinforce the importance of health care access and affordability for everyone, Secretary John Polanowicz, executive director of Health and Human Services came to Lawrence to outline the crucial dates approaching. He […]
When a resident called me and made me aware of four city employees and a Department of Public Works truck were cleaning the yard of a private home, I went to take pictures as you […]
Cuando un residente me llamó y me hizo saber de cuatro empleados municipales y un camión del Departamento de Obras Públicas estaban limpiando el patio de una casa privada, fui a tomar fotos como ve […]
Mélix Bonilla, el acusado, sirvió al mismo tiempo como el único testigo de la defensa. Sería bombardeado por fuertes preguntas de la Fiscalía compuesta por un regimiento de 5-7 abogados y asistentes que durante la […]
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