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The Catholic Hoop Tourney in 1954

The Catholic Hoop Tourney in 1954 The 21′ annual Catholic high school hoop tournament was held at CCHS on February 26, 27 and 28, 1954. This was a high school extravaganza that drew Catholic schools […]


Desde Mi Esquina: Agosto 1, 2014

Conferencia de prensa de SALSA             El Alcalde Dan Rivera anunció el pasado lunes el nuevo esfuerzo por parte de Grupo de Trabajo de Salud de la Alcaldía.  S.A.L.S.A. (Supporting Active LifeStyles for All) significa […]


From My Corner: August 1, 2014

SALSA press conference Mayor Dan Rivera announced last Monday the newest effort from the Mayor’s Health Task Force.  S.A.L.S.A. stands for Supporting Active LifeStyles for All and it has been in the making for over […]


Writing a new book

The DeMoulas family, who owns and operates the Market Basket stores has been at odds for the longest time but since June of this year, when the board controlled by Arthur S. DeMoulas managed to […]


Some Future CCHS Hall of Famers

It was 1948 and the Central Catholic football team was getting ready for two big games. Dick Moynihan the coach was looking to have them clicking on all cylinders when they take on St. John’s […]


Escribiendo un nuevo libro

La familia DeMoulas, que posee y opera las tiendas Market Basket está teniendo problemas desde hace tiempo, pero desde junio de este año, cuando la junta controlada por Arthur S. DeMoulas logró despedir a su […]


From My Corner: July 15, 2014

Comcast public forum The Comcast Public Forum arranged by Mayor Dan Rivera for the purpose of discussing the cable contract, took place at the Senior Center on July 8th. According to his press release, “During […]


They must change their attitude

When we moved to Lawrence in 1989, there were 3 Market Basket Supermarkets around us. One in Essex Plaza in Lawrence, another on Route 114 in North Andover and one in Shawsheen Plaza in Andover, […]