Desde Mi Esquina/From My Corner

From My Corner: August 15, 2015

Preliminary Elections The City of Lawrence has scheduled the Preliminary Elections for September 22 which has created a strong reaction from Mayor Dan Rivera because he believes that the City Clerk was insensitive to religious […]


Lawrence did the right thing

On Tuesday August 11, the council of the City of Lawrence adopted two important but controversial resolutions; Safe Driving Act and the Trust Act. (Safe Driving Act and the TRUST Act.) The Trust Act limits […]


Lawrence hizo lo correcto

  El pasado martes 11 de agosto, el Concilio de la ciudad de Lawrence adoptó 2 importantes aunque controversiales Resoluciones; el Acta de Conducción Segura y el Acta de Confianza. (Safe Driving Act and the […]

Desde Mi Esquina/From My Corner

From My Corner: August 8, 2015

Where’s the Human Rights Commission? The current situation with the police department and the discovery that the 911 dispatcher Dianne D’Iorio mistreated callers on that emergency line who could not speak English by refusing to […]

Desde Mi Esquina/From My Corner

Desde Mi Esquina: Agosto 8, 2015

            La situación actual con el departamento de policía y el descubrimiento de que la operadora de 911 Dianne D’Iorio ha estado maltratando a los residentes llamando en esa línea de emergencia que no podía […]