Sister Mary Murphy receiving the Richard Cardinal Cushing Award from Bill Sullivan, President - Division 8 AOH during the Division 8 AOH's 144th Diner Dance held on Saturday March 7 at the Lawrence Firefighters Reliefs In. Picture taken by Bob Collins, a member of Division 8.
Lawrence News

Division 8 AOH 2015 Dinner and Dance

Picture taken by Bob Collins, a member of Division 8. This year’s 144th Annual Saint Patrick’s Day Banquet and Dance was held on Saturday, March 7, 2015 at the Lawrence Firefighters Association Relief’s In, located […]

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Honor to whom honor is due

It is indisputable that we are a community of immigrants, with an extraordinary cultural richness in Lawrence, but we need someone to remind us and guide us. Lucky for us Lawrencians we have in our […]

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Honor a quien honor merece

Es indiscutible de que en Lawrence somos una comunidad de inmigrantes, con una riqueza cultural extraordinaria, pero necesitamos a alguien que nos lo recuerde y nos guie. Afortunados los Lawrencianos que tenemos en el patio […]

Vice Consul General of Ireland, Jillian O'Keefe, who is stationed in Boston, read to the students of Lawrence Catholic Academy on Wednesday, March 4th at the South Lawrence Library. At right, Bill Sullivan, President - Division 8 AOH.
Lawrence News

Ireland Vice-Consul read to students

By Alberto Suris           As in years past, during the month of March, the Ancient Order of Hibernians Division 8, held several activities to celebrate the Irish Heritage Month. On Wednesday, March 4 they scheduled […]

Desde Mi Esquina/From My Corner

From My Corner: March 8, 2015

Confidence behind social media This week we watched how people hiding behind a telephone screen sending nasty messages to former Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling, going beyond all decency and respect.