
We can keep our city clean

  With spring comes the clean-up. Civic groups, neighborhood associations and residents usually gather to clean our streets, our parks and/or our neighbor’s empty lots.


Podemos mantener la ciudad limpia

Con la primavera viene la limpieza. Grupos cívicos, asociaciones de vecinos y residentes en general se reúnen para limpiar nuestras calles, nuestros parques y/o lotes vacíos de otros. Ejemplo de esto es la celebración del […]

Desde Mi Esquina/From My Corner

From My Corner: May 8, 2016

Restraining orders processing Last week’s incident involving the delivery of a restraining order that resulted in a woman shot in the head and the boyfriend committing suicide, prompted me to look into how that system […]


Desde Mi Esquina: May 8, 2016

Procesamiento de órdenes de restricción El incidente de la semana pasada que implica la entrega de una orden de restricción o de alejamiento que dio lugar a que una mujer recibiera dos tiros en la […]



Por Agustín Pérez Cerrada En nuestra sociedad nos encontramos con una paradoja: de una parte el individualismo reinante que debilita el desarrollo y la estabilidad de los vínculos entre las personas, incluidos los lazos familiares, […]


On the art of dialogue

By Agustín Pérez Cerrada In our society we have a paradox: on one hand the prevailing individualism that weakens the development and stability of the links between people, including family ties, and on the other […]

Lawrence News

Hispanic Week festivities has Arrived!

 Summer festivities begin every year with the Semana Hispana festivals and its pageants, featuring girls of all ages competing not only in beauty but also in talent, something that has become the identification stamp in […]