Desde Mi Esquina/From My Corner

Desde Mi Esquina: Agosto 1, 2016

Mensaje para el presidente del Concejo Vásquez Ha sido triste y decepcionante leer acerca de la suspensión de Jorge De Jesús del Departamento de Servicios de Inspección bajo sospecha de la venta ilegal de certificados […]

Desde Mi Esquina/From My Corner

Why do we tip for service?

By Dalia Diaz A few days ago, I heard someone on the radio recounting the time he and a group of friends went to a restaurant in Boston; the bill came to $200 and they […]


Hot cars can kill

We’re in a heat wave that we are not accustomed to in this area of the country where we live, so it is advisable to put special care with those who cannot fend for themselves: […]


Coches calientes pueden matar

Estamos en una ola de calor a la cual no estamos acostumbrados en esta zona del país donde vivimos, por lo que es recomendable poner especial cuidado con aquellos que no pueden valerse por sí […]

Frank Benjamin’s book “Mr. B’s Sports Memories” is for sale. At the recent Roast in his honor, Mr. B requested that the evening’s profit be dedicated to the Canal Street Boxing Gym, a place he greatly admires for the work they do with Lawrence youth. This is a great keepsake for anyone growing up in the Merrimack Valley.

Moynihan Lumber Awards

Fourteen years ago my boss at WCCM Jim Murphy called me to let me know that someone was at the station that wanted to meet me. I quickly scooted to the station and to this […]

Lawrence News

Surviving a Motor Vehicle Stop

  It’s a beautiful summer night in Lawrence.  The temperature is comfortably warm with a refreshingly pleasant cool breeze.  It is a perfect night to be out.  I’m driving in my car with the windows […]

Desde Mi Esquina/From My Corner

From My Corner: July 15, 2016

Arlington School Possibly motivated by the crisis created in Flint, Michigan with the pollution found in the water, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker recently took action. The Governor sought two million dollars and invited school systems […]