Desde Mi Esquina/From My Corner

From My Corner: October 1, 2016

New Water Commissioner Do you remember when candidate for Mayor Rivera promised that only the best qualified candidates will be hired to work for the city?  That never happened.  In his three years in office […]

Desde Mi Esquina/From My Corner

Desde Mi Esquina: Octubre 1, 2016

El nuevo Comisario de Agua ¿Recuerda cuando el candidato a Alcalde Rivera prometió que sólo los mejores candidatos calificados serán contratados para trabajar para la ciudad? Eso nunca ocurrió. En sus tres años de gobierno […]

Desde Mi Esquina/From My Corner

From My Corner: September 22, 2016

Was it an error or intentional? On September 6, The Eagle-Tribune published the article (Democratic Candidates for 16th Essex District Discuss the Issues), with the results of a questionnaire sent to the three candidates for […]

Lawrence News


The 1949 Lawrence High School Football Team was loaded with great high school athletes and coaches. Although I’m not sure of their record I remember watching them perform at the Lawrence Stadium as a young […]