Desde Mi Esquina/From My Corner

Desde Mi Esquina: SETIEMBRE 22, 2016

¿Fue un error o intencional?             El 6 de septiembre, The Eagle-Tribune publicó el artículo (Democratic Candidates for 16th Essex District Discuss the Issues), con los resultados de un cuestionario enviado a los tres candidatos […]

Fire Lt. James Flynn described the mural pictured behind him. This beautiful tribute is in front of the fire station of South Broadway.

We must never forget them

  Each year, the City of Lawrence and especially the Fire Department organizes and conducts an event where the details of the attack we suffered on Sunday, September 11, 2001.  The violent act was conducted […]

Lawrence Fire Department Chief Brian Moriarty recited The Eleventh of September, a poem authored by Roger J. Robicheau.

Nunca debemos olvidarlos

  Cada año, la ciudad de Lawrence y en especial el Departamento de Incendios organiza y lleva a cabo un evento donde se relatan los pormenores del ataque que sufrimos el domingo, 11 de septiembre, […]

Desde Mi Esquina/From My Corner

From My Corner: September 15, 2016

Personnel Committee – Breda Daou             I watched the Personnel Committee meeting on Monday night, September 12 and there was the confusion that characterizes many of those meetings. They were there to approve the dismissal […]

Desde Mi Esquina/From My Corner

From My Corner: September 8, 2016

Depending on friends Mayor Dan Rivera has contracted the services of Kopelman and Paige to review the elections results this year.  This was the law firm supervising the results of the recount election in 2013 […]

Desde Mi Esquina/From My Corner

Desde Mi Esquina: Setiembre 8, 2016

Dependiendo de amigos             El Alcalde Dan Rivera ha contratado los servicios de Kopelman y Paige para revisar los resultados de las elecciones de este año. Este fue el bufete de abogados de supervisó los […]


Lawrence was lost in history

  We just celebrated in Lawrence the Bread and Roses Festival, dedicated to remembering the heroes and heroines who in 1912 left their jobs to protest the reduction in working hours which entailed a reduction […]