Desde Mi Esquina/From My Corner

From My Corner: October 8, 2017

Rivera changes laws at whim A couple of years ago, Richard Rodriguez, of the Commission for the Disabled in Lawrence, brought before the City Council a proposal to increase the fines for parking in a […]

Desde Mi Esquina/From My Corner

Desde Mi Esquina: Octubre 8, 2017

Rivera cambia las leyes a su antojo Hace un par de años, Richard Rodríguez, de la Comisión de Discapacitados de Lawrence, presentó ante el Concejo Municipal una propuesta para aumentar las multas por aparcar en […]

Rumbo Editorial

Puerto Rico is not alone

“The fifteenth tropical depression of the Atlantic hurricane season turned into tropical storm Maria on Saturday and threatened the Caribbean islands devastated a little over a week ago by Hurricane Irma,” the National Hurricane Center […]

Rumbo Editorial

Puerto Rico no está solo

“La decimoquinta depresión tropical de la temporada ciclónica en el Atlántico se convirtió este sábado en la tormenta tropical María y amenaza a las islas caribeñas arrasadas hace poco más de una semana por el […]

Lawrence News

Help to Puerto Rico

By Alberto Suris The hurricane winds of Maria, which had just lashed the beautiful island of Puerto Rico, were still blowing, leaving the island paralyzed, when already in Lawrence the citizens were preparing to help […]