Desde Mi Esquina/From My Corner

From My Corner: August 15, 2017

“CrossOver” on WCCM 1110 Remember that? My show was about current, local issues and interviews with newsmakers, politicians and yes, candidates looking for your votes. I keep hearing over and over the cry that there’s […]

Desde Mi Esquina/From My Corner

Desde Mi Esquina: Agosto 15, 2017

“CrossOver” en WCCM 1110 ¿Recuerda eso? Mi programa era sobre temas actuales, locales y entrevistas con periodistas, políticos y sí, candidatos que buscan sus votos. Sigo escuchando una y otra vez el grito de que […]

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor

Lawrence will not be confused with Venice, San Antonio, or Amsterdam, but there is one thing we have in common with these world class cities: canals. In fact, our canals are the reason why Lawrence […]

Letter to the Editor

Estimado editor

Estimado editor,   Lawrence no será confundida con Venecia, San Antonio o Amsterdam, pero hay una cosa que tenemos en común con estas ciudades de clase mundial: los canales. De hecho, nuestros canales son la […]

Desde Mi Esquina/From My Corner

From My Corner: August 8, 2017

Lawrence Redevelopment Authority I am very concerned about the Oliver School project and the 45 million dollars that may be coming next year for that reconstruction. We all know the scam created to enrich the […]