Desde Mi Esquina/From My Corner

From My Corner: July 22, 2017

House Speaker Paul Ryan in Lawrence Mayor Dan Rivera missed a great opportunity with Speaker Ryan’s visit by not playing both ends in the middle. He is a Democrat but he is also the mayor […]


House Speaker Paul Ryan in Lawrence Mayor Dan Rivera missed a great opportunity with Speaker Ryan’s visit by not playing both ends in the middle. He is a Democrat but he is also the mayor […]

Desde Mi Esquina/From My Corner

Desde Mi Esquina: Julio 22, 2017

Presidente de la Cámara Paul Ryan en Lawrence El Alcalde Dan Rivera se perdió una gran oportunidad con la visita del Presidente de la Cámara Ryan al no jugar a la política desde ambos extremos. […]


Hot cars can kill

We are sure that we have written about this issue more than once, especially in the summer, when high temperatures become unbearable, imagine you in a closed car, in the sun, for hours.


Autos calientes pueden matar

Estamos seguros que hemos tratado este tema más de una vez, especialmente en el verano, cuando las temperaturas altas se hacen inaguantables, imagínese dentro de un auto cerrado, al sol, por horas.