From My Corner: January 22, 2019
City Council is lost Lawrence City Council is lost at best. I would venture to say that they don’t know what they are doing. I am generalizing so don’t get offended if you think […]
City Council is lost Lawrence City Council is lost at best. I would venture to say that they don’t know what they are doing. I am generalizing so don’t get offended if you think […]
El Concejo Municipal está perdido Lo menos que puedo decir del Concejo Municipal de Lawrence es que está perdido. Me atrevería a decir que no saben lo que están haciendo. Estoy generalizando, así que […]
At this time every year, we remember what times were like prior to the Civil Rights Movement and the passing Amendment that gave Blacks the right to vote and real equality in this country. They […]
Todos los años por esta fecha, recordamos los tiempos previos al Movimiento de los Derechos Civiles y el pase de la Enmienda Constitucional que dio a los Negros el derecho al voto y la verdadera […]
The Emergency Center at Lawrence General Hospital has been reverified as a Level III Trauma Center by the Committee on Trauma of the American College of Surgeons. This achievement recognizes the hospital’s dedication to providing […]
El Comité de Trauma del Colegio Americano de Cirujanos ha vuelto a verificar el Centro de Emergencias en el Hospital General de Lawrence como un Centro de Trauma de Nivel III. Este logro reconoce la […]
Kendrys’ parking perks Last week I wrote about corruption in Lawrence, featuring City Councilor Estela Reyes but some councilors’ arrogance presents itself in many different forms. Recently, William Green posted a video of Council President […]
Beneficios de estacionamiento de Kendrys La semana pasada escribí sobre la corrupción en Lawrence, con la Concejala Estela Reyes, pero la arrogancia de algunos concejales se refleja de muchas formas diferentes. Recientemente, William Green publicó […]
Massachusetts parents want more than a blank education check, they demand a plan to close the achievement gap in the state. Statement by the founder of Massachusetts Parents United (MPU), Keri Rodrigues: The money is […]
Declaración de la fundadora de Massachusetts Parents United (MPU), Keri Rodrigues: El dinero no es suficiente para enfrentar la grave brecha de logros académicos que tenemos en Massachusetts, una crisis que lleva a nuestros hijos […]
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