From My Corner: March 15, 2019
Nothing changes in this city When I read the article in The Eagle-Tribune about the conditions of the Kane Park, it brought me memories on that old school that seemed odd for this climate. They […]
Nothing changes in this city When I read the article in The Eagle-Tribune about the conditions of the Kane Park, it brought me memories on that old school that seemed odd for this climate. They […]
Nada cambia en esta ciudad. Cuando leí el artículo en The Eagle-Tribune sobre las condiciones de Kane Park, me trajo recuerdos de esa vieja escuela que me pareció extraño por este clima. Tenían muchos edificios […]
To begin with I noticed that Eddings’ article states that the Kane School opened in 1963. That statement is inaccurate. It opened in 1961. I was still only 9 years old that year when I […]
Students at ENLACE play hoops while learning about teamwork and commitment
By Isabella Perales The month of March is known as the International Women’s Month, when women are celebrated and all those who have played a role in history. There is no doubt that 2019 is […]
Por Isabella Perales El mes de marzo se conoce como el Mes Internacional de la Mujer, cuando se celebra a la mujer y todas aquellas que han jugado un rol en la historia. No cabe […]
When we were little they told us that the woman had been created using a man’s rib and they were based on the ancient scriptures that said so. We have to confess that we never […]
De pequeños nos contaban que la mujer había sido creada usando una costilla del hombre y se basaban en las antiguas escrituras que así lo decían. Tenemos que confesar que nunca vimos tales escrituras aunque […]
By Dalia Diaz There are many other subjects to write about in this Corruption Series but the mayor takes a second shot. On March 1, 2019, Part 4 of this series involved the mayor but […]
Por Dalia Diaz Hay muchos otros temas sobre los que escribir en esta Serie de Corrupción, pero el alcalde toma una segunda oportunidad. El 1ro de marzo de 2019, la Parte 4 de esta serie […]
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