Desde Mi Esquina/From My Corner

From My Corner: February 22, 2019

Bravo for Ana Levy! Last Tuesday’s City Council meeting was about to end when City Councilor at-Large Ana Levy requested taking Item #336-18 out of Tabled which was approved last May 15, 2018 authorizing the […]

Desde Mi Esquina/From My Corner

Desde Mi Esquina: Febrero 22, 2019

¡Bravo por Ana Levy! La reunión del Concejo Municipal del martes pasado estaba a punto de terminar cuando la Concejala Ana Levy, solicitó tomar el Artículo #336-18 que estaba “tabled”, el cual fue aprobado el […]

Lawrence News

Dominicans raised their flag

As expected, you wouldn’t think that a group of Caribbeans would be exposed to the elements of Mother Nature (in this case it was the cold) and carry out the entire ceremony of hoisting their […]