Desde Mi Esquina/From My Corner

From My Corner: June 22, 2023

Hispanic Week ends There’s an article I wrote on page 5 describing some of the Hispanic Week activities of this year.  I must admit that unfortunately, it turned out just as I expected. I hope […]

Desde Mi Esquina/From My Corner

Desde Mi Esqina: Junio 15, 2023

Fuegos artificiales en la reunión del concejo Bueno, no del todo; pero pensé que iba a pasar. Ver las reuniones del concejo es muy importante porque discuten cosas que nos afectan a todos de alguna […]

Desde Mi Esquina/From My Corner

From My Corner: June 15, 2023

Lawrence residents, be on the alert! There’s a rumor going around that the Lawrence City Council is considering a Home Rule Petition to change the City Charter eliminating term limits for the mayor of the […]

Dracut News

Tchochtkes and other things

Tchochtkes and other things   I am going to qualify this presentation right from the start: it is not Antiques Roadshow – or Legacy List.  I also am curious how many people here are familiar […]