Town Hall meeting on the Columbia Gas settlement

Almost 200 residents attended the Town Hall Meeting held at Greater Lawrence Technical School on Saturday, November 9. They offered three separate meetings for each city affected: Lawrence, Andover and North Andover.

They heard from the lawyers representing the Consolidated Class Actions against Columbia Gas. The Leadership Team who filed the lawsuit and negotiated the $143 million settlement explained why it was necessary to join forces with the other attorneys and how they achieved the settlement.

It was a surprisingly fast outcome and there are cases where they may litigate for years only to lose at the end.

They learned about their rights and options under the settlement and received instructions about how to fill out claims forms.

A question and answer period followed the presentation where lawyers answered questions from the audience, becoming very animated.

If you didn’t find out about these meetings being held, you can go on or call 1-833-927-0819. The claim form can be downloaded from that site and they will explain how to fill it out.