The most powerful government tool yet

The most powerful government tool yet

Imagine trying to buy a plane ticket to see your family for the holidays.

But instead of the normal “Your card has been declined, please contact your bank or card carrier” message, the screen says: “The Government is limiting your travel purchases for the time being”.

How would you feel?

My guess is that you would feel pretty upset, because it’s not the Government’s place to tell you what you should or should not spend YOUR money on.

But that’s just the start… with a Central Bank Digital Currency in place, the Government will constantly know where you are, and what you spend your money on.

They could punish you by adding a higher tax to all of your purchases, or make it so you can only spend your money in a 1 square mile radius of your home.

Even worse, they can completely block you from using YOUR money all together.

Because with a digital currency, all they have to do is click one button to seize all of your currency.

And since the currency is Government mandated, they can make all other forms of payment illegal, meaning that you HAVE to comply with the system.

It’s financial slavery, and that’s why the Government wants to create this system.

Because like it or not, money is power, and if the Government can punish you financially for speaking out against them, most people will be too afraid to fight back.

And if people are too afraid to speak out, then the Government will have complete control.

That’s why you have to be aware of the threats that exist today.

The truth is, not Privacy A yourself and your loved ones.

My friend John Bush released a free video report all about the coming CBDCs and how you can “opt-out” before the next phase rolls out.

I really recommend that you check it out because this is a serious threat to your freedom.

You can watch his video here.

I hope you enjoy it, and keep your eye out, because we are constantly talking about ways you can protect yourself from this type of Government overreach.

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