From My Corner: October 22, 2024

Prospering Lawrence

After such a long wait and going through so many changes in the application procedures and the distribution system, the City of Lawrence has announced the date for the grant distribution.

Mayor Brian DePeña will be presenting checks to the recipients of its business grant program on November 7, 2024. This program is designed to support local businesses to help foster economic growth and strengthen the community’s small business sector.

The presentation will occur at 255 Essex St., Lawrence, between 2:00 and 3:00 p.m. The mayor is requesting formal business attire.

I want to congratulate Sarah Perez, the Executive Director at Federación Hispana de Comerciantes; she should be satisfied because it was her effort fighting for those merchants, attending city council meetings, and having discussions with them individually, that brought the struggle to this happy ending.


Personnel Director’s dismissal 

I requested any documents related to his firing, hoping to expand on what I wrote last week, but I have not heard back yet.

As you may imagine, there are rumors galore, and while I give no credit if I cannot document something, some of the things I hear drive me crazy.


Somerville’s Redevelopment Authority

There was an article in The Boston Globe on Monday, October 21, 2024 that I recommend everyone to read it.

The courts have decided that the City of Somerville must pay $28 million to the prior owners of property that the Redevelopment Authority seized in 2019 by eminent domain.

The city paid $8.8 for a four-acre parcel worth $35.3 million. You will find that Somerville Redevelopment Authority paid for the property, but the city is now responsible for the owners’ reimbursement.

I bring this to the community’s attention because we have a very active LRA, and most Lawrence residents are unaware of what they are doing. I am so sorry that I have not attended the last couple of meetings, and although I watch them on Zoom, it’s not the same because I miss a lot of what’s being said.

We must be alert to everything the LRA does because they are dealing with very complex issues that we don’t understand, and a mistake like Somerville’s is not what Lawrence needs.

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