Bishop Curry at Esperanza Academy

By Alberto Suris

The Bishop of the Episcopal Church, the Most Reverend Michael B. Curry, was taking his message “The Way of Love” to eastern Massachusetts during April 26-28 and, in addition to his public appearances, he took the opportunity to pay a visit to Esperanza Academy in Lawrence on Friday, April 26 where he spent time with teachers and students to learn more about the transformative education that this innovative school offers to high school girls in Lawrence.

“Bishop Curry is a dynamic personality and preacher, and we believe that his inspiring testimony of the transforming power of the ‘Way of Love’ will be a blessing to the City of Boston and to our Community,” said the Most Reverend Alan M. Gates, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts.

All those present there noticed the dynamic personality of Bishop Curry when he began to talk with the students. He told them they should ask questions and his gestures in answering them back were not wasted. He confessed to the students that he was very nervous to be there with them, “So much so that I forgot the prayer before I started,” he said.

“I talked a lot,” he answered to the question asked by a student if he liked school. Everyone burst out laughing, visitors as well as students and in a rather unusual way when talking about sports he said, “I hate the New York Yankees.”

Years ago, taking advantage of the fact that there was a vacancy in the Bishopric of North Carolina, he applied for the position. He said he had no hope of obtaining the position.No Black person had ever been elected Bishop in NC; to my surprise, I was the chosen one and I have been there for 15 wonderful years,” he said.

After the question and answer program, he invited the students and with his dynamic and communicative personality, proceeded to take pictures with them, including a gigantic selfie with the students and Jadihel Taveras, director of Esperanza Academy.