Coyne Park Rededication

By Alberto Suris

On July 18th, 2018, exactly one hundred years after Patrick Coyne was killed in action in Chaudun, France, fighting with the American Expeditionary Force in World War I, a park in Lawrence which was previously dedicated in his memory in 1924, was rededicated after making some improvements such as a new sign and benches.

The park is located in the intersection of Shawsheen Rd and Greenfield St.

“Honoring the memory of those who paid the ultimate sacrifice is of major importance to the City of Lawrence,” said Mayor Daniel Rivera. “I want to thank Councilor Marc Laplante for being a tireless advocate for all of our Veterans, but particularly, the Veterans who have given their lives for our freedom. I look forward to celebrating the life of Patrick Coyne as we rededicate Coyne Park in his honor.”

“This park has been ignored for dozens of years,” said Marc Laplante, the District F City councilor. “Making some simple improvements at Coyne Park provides an updated amenity to the neighborhood while remembering a soldier who has been forgotten over time. It is fitting that we take the time to celebrate and remember Patrick Coyne and his sacrifice to our country.”