In the fifties Lawrence High School produced some great baseball teams and great pitchers.Two of the best were Aime Reming and his brother Pete would carry the word stars in any era.They came from a baseball family and lived in the Oxford St. area of the City.The Reming boys followed their Dad and uncle Leo as outstanding diamond players. Leo was a big time shortstop who was once selected to play in an All Star game at the Polo Grounds which at that time was the home of the New York baseball Giants who are now the San Francisco Giants. Joining this duo was a tall strapping righthander Joe Cockroft who also lived in the same area. Pete was a righthander with a real good heavy fastball and with the same demeanor as the other two a great fire to win. Lefty Aime had a sneaky fastball and a nasty drop and also a greta pick off motion to first base and woe be to any runner who strolled just a little to far cause Mimi would easily pick him off.
Cockroft was also a hard nosed competitor and was a lunch box type guy. All 3 of these athletes weree repared to go 9 innings whenever they took the mound. On May 23rd 1953 the younger Reming pitched a no hit no run game against Haverhill HS.It was the 5th ever no hitter in the schools history. Cockroft not to be outdone no hit Lowell 9/O.He also hit 2 doubles and a long 380 foot homer in that game.
Ironically Joe’s no no came exactly 359 days after Captain Remings great performance. Joe and Aime are still lifelong friends with Reming an Andoverite and Joe in Hampstead NH. Pete retired from the town of Andover an took his golf clubs to Florida to live.
It was a great era to watch these young men toil for the Blue and White as they took the mound at O’ Sullivan’s Park on Water St. It was also a great source of memory to know that I had the opportunity the be the catcher for each of these stars in playground and CYO play.
Sister Catherine entered the Monastery of Silence. The Priest said “Sister this is a silent Monastery, you may stay here a long as you like but you may not speak until directed to. Sister Catherine lived in the Monestery for 5 years before the Priest said to her “Sister you’ve been here for 5 years,you may speak 2 words. Sister replied “hard bed” The Priest replied “sorry to hear that we’ll get you a better bed. Five years later the Priest summons the nun and says you may have another 2 words. “Cold food”, answers the Sister. The Priest assures her that the food would be better in the future. On the Sisters 15th anniversary at the Monastery, the Priest again called her to his office and said “you may say 2 words today” I quit says Sister Catherine. The Priest replies it’s probably for the best, you’ve done nothing but bitch since you’ve been here.