From My Corner: April 15, 2018

Public Safety Committee meeting

I think I’ve said it before that this is the worst City Council I’ve seen in years. I’m positive that I said it before because every time I watch one of their meetings my blood pressure goes through the roof!

The Public Safety Committee ended at ten o’clock because it was getting late. Councilor Marc Laplante walked out without taking a vote to pass ten o’clock and Councilor Maria De La Cruz argued that it was overtime. She had planned to be there until nine o’clock only and that made it one hour of overtime.

Acting Police Chief Roy Vasque was still at the podium answering questions and she walked out. That was extremely disrespectful to Chief Vasque. I wonder what would happen when they have another long session pass midnight.

Jeovanny Rodriguez yelled that she is not performing her duties.

Oh, what a circus!

Selection of a permanent police chief

When I published the mayor’s email listing the Lawrence residents who will review the applications for the police chief’s position last week, I forgot to mention that he used Zoila Gomez’s office address on East Haverhill St. She lives in Andover.

Was it a lie or just an oversight?

Selection of a new school superintendent

Good news! I just found out this week that Jeff Riley will have veto power over the Alliance’s pick for superintendent. I said that’s good news because we can be sure that Commissioner Riley will make sure that our next person in charge of our children’s education is not only qualified and experienced but with the utmost moral character.

Great news! 

I was researching on YouTube for a previous Lawrence City Council meeting to check on something for our next edition and found that they are now showing the meetings live on YouTube.

We no longer will have to deal with the abominable transmission from Lawrence Community Access Television (LCAT). It looks great and the sound is clear.

I wonder why they have not announced it to the general public so we don’t have to suffer with Comcast or Verizon’s channels.