From My Corner: April 8, 2019

Political education

Last week State Representative Frank Moran was being interviewed on Carmen Chalas’ radio show.  He was discussing things pertaining to his district when a man lacking the simplest of knowledge of how the government runs, insulted him.

Besides using cuss words and being quite vulgar, he told Mr. Moran, “You are Latino like us and you live in Lawrence, why would you go out of your way to help people in other cities?”

Representative Moran tried explaining the difference between a city councilor and a state representative but I don’t believe he was clear enough.

This is some of the attitudes often found around here and I understand what’s behind it.  Living in Lawrence for many is like living back home, wherever home was. Between immersing all day on radio and television in Spanish, makes it difficult switching from one culture to the other, particularly when the English language is not proficient.

At election time, is quite common how voters call radio programs asking who they should vote for and what polling place they belong to.  The truth is that they are allowed to make Lawrence their home while there is no effort from our city government to help them learn civics, customs and a better way of life in a different country.

I know my words are going to find resentment from many and I hope they re-read it once they had a chance to cool off.  After living in the United States for 55 years, I can relate to what I am stating here. To be part of this country you don’t have to forget your native language or stop loving the land from where you came.  One thing you must do is learn the language, watch television in English to adapt your ear to the pronunciation and watch government meetings to learn why things are done differently from back home.

This year we’ll be having local elections and it is mighty important to elect city councilors who care for the city and work to represent our residents.  Remember that nationality or language is not important. We need good people to run.


Rep. Devers still doing nothing

One of those politicians that we must get rid of is Representative Marcos Devers.  It’s been over three months since his swearing in ceremony and he has not drafted a single bill (zero, nada, zilch) and the only thing showing in his page during this session is three bills from six years ago that he never fought for.  He keeps recycling them as if we are stupid. Well, maybe we are if we reelect him this year.


Salute to Councilor Ana Levy

Mayor Dan Rivera has agreed to the purchase of 25 voting machines and we must thank City Councilor at-Large Ana Levy for her tenacity keeping the subject alive.

She took out papers for reelection and I only wish we had two or three more like her in the council.  Her tenacity knows no bounds, fierce and stubborn.

Richard Russell will be running at-Large as well.  We know him from the council meetings when he shows the same firmness as Ana.  Those will be meetings worth watching.