From My Corner: April 8, 2023

Crossing Bridges

On Saturday, I had the opportunity to attend the Bruch organized by several churches in Lawrence headed by Rev. Joel Almonó.  I was very encouraged by the testimonies offered and plans.

It was pleasing seeing several city councilors and members of the Lawrence Police Department create a partnership and Rumbo will be covering it in detail next week.


Walking on eggshells

Things are changing so rapidly that most people don’t have time to learn or keep up.  It goes beyond laws, customs, ways of thinking, and behaviors; language is changing and even if we want to be “formal” we may end up screwing up big time!

That’s the case of a school committee chairwoman, Cynthia Kwiecinski, who was insulted at being addressed as “ladies” in an email.  This happened in Springfield when they selected Vito Perrone, interim superintendent of the West Springfield Public Schools as their new superintendent of schools and in his letter of salary negotiations he addressed her and her assistant as “ladies”.

Ms. Chair Kwiecinski (I hope that’s correct) said that calling them that way is a familiarity he had not earned and she should have been addressed by her title to be more professional.

Are we getting overly sensitive?  Meanwhile they demand for us to be the tolerant ones.

As a result of her “insult,” she revoked the employment offer as superintendent of schools.  Qualifications do not count, the form of address to the chair is what decides if you get the job or not.  AMAZING!

And we wonder why education is the pits.  She may be the chairperson of the school committee but why is her sole opinion what counts to revoke Mr. Perrone’s appointment?

That’s why I’m satisfied that I am retired.  Who knows how many mistakes I could be making on the job at this age with lessons learned ages ago?  What I consider “formal” it’s no longer.

Bunch of idiots!

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