From My Corner: August 8, 2020

Common sense is gone

I remember the days when a candidate’s chance for an elected position could be decided by his or her stand on the abortion issue.  Today, there are many more problems to tackle in society and people should be much more careful when choosing for whom to vote.

Once elected, they will be there for years and the changes they create for the country, the state, or even our city, will be either beneficial or damaging, depending on how you choose.

I don’t usually opine on national politics because Lawrence’s wrongdoings keep me busy enough but since the two democratic contenders for the Senate seat are spending time here wooing particularly the Latino community, inspired me to outline some of the issues and where they stand.

At a recent debate between U.S. Senator Ed Markey and U.S. Representative Joe Kennedy III, there was no difference in their ideas.  They both believe in giving inmates the right to vote and canceling the use of life sentences without parole and solitary confinement.  This is not about taking sides on whether they are right or not; this is just telling you there’s no difference between the two.

What really made me take a second look is that they both support legalizing prostitution.  “We have the responsibility to listen to sex workers and advocates to work together on how to move forward,” said Senator Markey.

When I said that the politicians we elect are going to change lives – for better or for worse – with their decisions and we can see this one coming.  That will certainly make the job of our police department and the courts much bearable not having to worry about that side of the business.  Being a legal profession, it will be another profession that the young ladies in our families can aspire to favor.

This is not about Democrats or Republicans, left-wing or conservatives; this is about morality and the future of our families and the country.

Has anyone asked for their opinion on why it’s fine to gather so many people in a corner pandering for votes without masks or keeping social distance, while churches are limited in their capacity?

Think carefully, people!


Favors, DPW and OT

On Saturday, August 8, there were several workers from the Department of Public Works cleaning a lot on Park St., between Saratoga St. and Walnut St. which caught my attention.

Upon checking, the reason for this overtime hours, I was told that they started “working” at 6 o’clock in the morning and this picture was taken at 2:15 in the afternoon.  This job was estimated to take about one hour to do and I don’t know what other chores they accomplished during that eight-hour shift.  One thing is for sure: it was not an emergency.

I later heard that this is one of the many ways the mayor allows “his people” earn extra pay – whether it is needed or not.

Also this past week, there were workers from Belko Landscaping doing weed-whacking on many streets.  This is the company that works on snow removal and has a contract to take care of all the parks – work that used to be done by DPW employees.

Recently, they got the contract to do the bollards work around City Hall and the weed-whacking contract is $300,000. I saw some of them on the sidewalk of Rt. 114 by Kentucky Fried Chicken and the bagel factory.  A few months ago the City Council approved the hiring of summer help – another job that could be done by our young people.


It’s COVID time – no, it’s party time!

Remember this: Rules are not equal for everybody.  It does not matter what the governor or the mayor himself says to violate the recommendations to avoid COVID-19. On Saturday, August 8, there was a party with more than 50 people in Tower Hill, on city property behind Carlos Morel’s house.  No one was wearing a mask or social distancing.

Any chance they requested permission from the City Council in order to hold this party in public property?  After all, that’s what the rules call for.