Follow the LRA’s activities carefully
There seems to be a reaction to what I wrote last week about the proposals from Oneida Aquino and Máximo Guerrero. I thought that there was favoritism because, while Ms. Aquino presented the required documentation – as instructed, Mr. Guerrero’s was incomplete and scored a few points lower than her.
Lawrence Redevelopment Authority’s (LRA) board voted in favor of Mace’s proposal, which goes against ALL rules of fairness, justice, and common decency. Ms. Aquino was subjected to disrespectful, arrogant, and dismissive treatment from the board every time they met.
There was something awry when Attorney D’Agostino and Oneida Aquino confronted Attorney Corrigan at an informal meeting on December 2, 2024, whereupon they demanded MACE’s disqualification. Octavien Spanner and Corrigan told them point-blank that MACE would not be disqualified.
The LRA announced a special meeting for Friday, February 7th, at 10:00 a.m. to discuss MACE’s proposal. One-half hour before the meeting was cancelled. Then, another one was scheduled for 4:00 p.m. on that date which was also cancelled just before it began. MACE had withdrawn his proposal.
You would think that Oneida’s project was all set to be approved. Oh, no! This is personal. Octavien wants to reopen the RFP process. They just don’t want Oneida.
I have no words left to describe what the LRA is doing. That board is acting unfairly and illegally. I don’t have to suggest to Attorney D’Agostino that they take legal action, at least bringing it to the attention of the Inspector General’s Office (IGO).
Is this the way business is done in Lawrence? Is this the way people acquire properties? What else is behind that decision? For many years, we have been hearing comments about such things as politicians and “the well-connected” acquiring city properties. This time, because someone has taken the time to investigate this organization, we are seeing clearly the corruption that is taking place.
And I blame the board of directors. Watch any of their meetings, and you’ll find there are no discussions and no arguments worth hearing; they usually vote unanimously. They are all guilty of this injustice; they are part of the corruption. What’s in it for them?
The Management Report at the end of November by Mr. Cintrón is an insult to this city and taxpayers. The LRA spent $822,000; the only justified expenses are the salaries; everything else has a date, check number, vendor, and amount paid. There’s a long list of payments to Amazon and Home Depot without explaining what was purchased.
What tipped me off to the fact that Spanner is abusing the LRA credit card was the times he charged $3 at Dunkin, like a personal card. Don’t believe me? Request the records.
By any other name, it’s still kidnapping
If you thought the above was a scandal, sit tight because the following story is criminal.
This case concerns a resident who called me looking for help because he had appealed to many people and got nowhere. His name is Leo Gonzalez, and his wife is Mayra Gonell. Leo works as interpreter for various companies.
In November of 2023, Mayra’s daughter, Grechy Rosario (I’m not sure if that is the correct spelling of her name), took Mayra to her home to take care of her, but every time Leo asked to spend some time with Mayra, Grechy wouldn’t allow it.
Grechy took her mother’s telephone away, changed the number so no one could contact Mayra, and didn’t give it back, so she could not make calls. Leo did not hear from his wife for a long time and went to see Mayor Brian DePeña, who told him to report it to the police.
Lawrence Police Department opened an investigation and went to Grechy’s house at 19 Lea St. in Lawrence, but Mayra was not there.
They later found out that Grechy had another house in Methuen, and even the Methuen police got involved. They made a wellness check but were told that Mayra was not there and that she was in Lawrence.
At Leo’s insistence, Lawrence Police, with Linette Perez, director of police services who handles cases involving family issues and abuse, accompanied them and they were able to see Mayra and talk to her. Linette said that Mayra told them, she was fine and well cared for by her daughter.
They totally ignored her husband’s plight, Leo, and her being there against her will.
Mayra was receiving services from the Northeast Independent Living Program, and Grechy changed her to another agency.
They went to court in July of last year, and, according to Leo, Grechy was asking for legal custody of her mother. She also applied for her mother’s divorce from Leo.
The court assigned Attorney Peter Mansur to represent Mayra’s interests, while Leo hired Attorney Marcos Scott to look into this incredible episode.
Attorney Mansour never answers his telephone or returns messages. However, he sent me a nasty response saying, “Due to Mayra’s attorney client privilage I am not a liberty to speak for Mayra. I passed your information on. Mayra is well and happy and a very sweet lady.”
It was a different experience when I spoke to Attorney Scott. He confirmed everything I had learned thus far and said we’ll have to wait until the next court hearing in March. I don’t know if it will be regarding the custody award or the divorce.
Meanwhile, I spoke to Linette to get details of the situation, and she said that the case was closed since she visited Grechy’s house and found that her mother was well cared for. She offered to send me a copy of the report, but it never came. The only thing she sent me was the Docket #24PO8443GD. I interpreted that to mean “look it up yourself.”
Upon contacting Mayor DePeña, I learned he knew the case and advised me to contact Police Chief Melix Bonilla. He said he would ask Linette to send me the report, but I didn’t get it.
Along the way, talking to many people, I contacted Angela Echavarría Gonell, Mayra’s cousin. She is furious because, for months, she has been trying to see her, and Grechy wouldn’t allow it.
I heard that the lack of attention was because Leo had not reported his wife as kidnapped to the police. He tried to do that, and the police officers refused to take his complaint.
Then, I called one more time and spoke to Captain Maurice Aguiler, who is also an attorney. He could not understand that refusal and would look into it. He also said he would send me the reports I was looking for, but it never came. We spoke several times, but it was a dead end with no answers.
Three Sundays ago, Leo told me that Mayra begged her granddaughter to allow her to use her telephone and she was able to call him. She said that she was okay and that Grechy takes good care of her, but she wanted to be in her home and be with him. Fortunately for both, there was a witness, and he recorded her call.
These are two examples of how screwed up this city is. I firmly believe that Chief William Castro’s ordeal is only a distraction, smoking mirrors, because there are too many people in Lawrence doing the wrong things, and if anyone tries to take a peek, it will be like a house of cards coming down.
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