From My Corner: March 22, 2020

Rumbo has been impacted, too

This current edition is being produced online instead of a printed version because we have had cancellations of ads and we won’t be able to distribute it as usual since most places are closed.

So, we are asking everyone who receives a digital copy of the March 22, 2020, to please forward it to their contacts. There’s good information for families, businesses, communities and anyone who may be running the risk of contamination that should be seen by everyone.

Welcome solitude

Well, for a few days we might be enjoying being at home, cleaning the closets or enjoying playing with our pets but, eventually, it will get on our nerves. I’m already hearing from people who were happy to be able to work from home and they are now saying they miss socializing with their coworkers.

This situation with the coronavirus will surely bring cultural changes to the entire world. While many employees have discovered the convenience in their particular case of working at home, companies could also find benefits in this new trend.

I’m also wondering if crime in Lawrence will REALLY go down during this time. That’s something positive! Families are at home, bars and clubs are closed, there’s almost no traffic on the streets. I forgot that, for some, having husbands at home is enough to fry on our nerves inducing heavy drinking and violence – LOL!

If you have children, remember that there are many things you can do to keep them busy and tired at night. Besides lots of good programming on television (not everything is coronavirus-related) suitable for children and good movies for adults, as well. Read books together and act them out for more fun.

As long as you maintain “social distancing,” you can go to a park and run around, ride a bike or exercise. Try to keep your life as normal as possible for their sake and your own. In Italy they forbade outside activities but it has not come to that here.

Be careful, stay healthy and this too shall pass.

I love hearing from you

In emails and text messages, I usually get complains and compliments and they are all appreciated. I recently received an email reading in part, “Your March 8th From my Corner was pure facts. Good stuff. Thank you for putting the truth out.

That was about Corruption and Traffic of Influence in this city. If you have not seen it, you can always find it on our webpage

At this time, my work has been interrupted with City Hall being closed to the public but I am awaiting lots of material requested under the Freedom of Information Act. This material will open people’s eyes to how things are maneuvered in the underground of this city’s government – and trust me, it covers many people, not just the mayor.

Like Enoch Powell once said, “For a politician to complain about the press is like a ship’s captain complaining about the sea.”

Council meeting on YouTube

The City Council meetings are not seen on Channel 22. The Mayor and Council President are grandstanding experimenting with technology and they don’t know what they are doing. The end result is that only 18, 23, 25… and so on, are watching online.

There’s no reason for that meeting not being held in the City Council Chamber. Frequently, not all 9 councilors attend and if the mayor wants to participate, they can ask one of them to stay home. That way, they will not be in violation of the maximum requirement. The janitor and the camera operator are not in the room anyway. As it is, there are more than 10 city hall employees going to work every day, just that they are not together.

They are excluding most people showing it on YouTube using their telephones from home and it shows only 4 people watching at a time and it’s not being shown on their Facebook page.

Decisions are being made and the public is kept out.