From My Corner: November 8, 2018

Elections, finally over!

Last week’s edition featured Councilor at-Large Ana Levy with ten new voting machines sent from the Secretary of State’s office as prevention due to the poor quality of the ones being used.  Fortunately, she did that because 9 of them broke down during Tuesday’s elections.

Sometime around noon, Carmen Chalas called me disgusted because the machine at the Parthum School was broken and she had to slide her ballot through an opening on the side.  She wondered how those ballots would be counted and we set out to find out.

The pictures taken at the Parthum School show how those ballots had to be counted by hand.  It doesn’t give me solace knowing that they were manhandled like that but we must trust the people in charge.  The solution: acquire new machines.


Turkish flag raising

Once again, Kemal Bozkurt invited the Consul of Turkey in Boston to attend the celebration of his country’s independence and the mayor of this city turned up his nose to this international dignitary.

He didn’t send a representative from his office, as he had done many times before when he didn’t want to attend, or issue a proclamation.

Shame on him!


We hear what we want to hear

During a press conference with President Trump, a reporter from PBS told him that he had called himself a “nationalist” and people interpreted that similar to being a “white nationalist.”

Please, let’s pay attention and not try to read between the lines to get the meaning they want.

Elections are over.  Let’s cool it instead of reading what’s not there.  If in doubt, check it again.


Columbia Gas meeting

Susan Almonó conducted a meeting at the Senior Center to advise residents from the three cities affected by the gas explosions to make sure they understand how the equipment the gas company is now replacing is appropriate for their home.

Lots of information was provided regarding the selection of boilers, hot water heaters, clothes dryers and stoves.  I recommend you contact Fr. Joel Almonó or his wife Susan to receive copies of the material distributed there. You may contact me and I will email them to you, also.

There were great presentations that I hope to expand next week.  Also, legal assistance for anyone who may require it with Attorney Chris Skall of North East Legal Aid.

This meeting was in cooperation with Barranco, Pastor Milagro Grullón and Rev. Gomez.


The woman in the cream pullover is Sadia Jiminian.  She is a member of our church.  The lady in the black shirt is Zeyneb Magavi from the organization HEET.