Groundwork/Comcast Cares Day 10th Anniversary

By Alberto Suris

On May 4th over 700 people cleaned Lawrence’s parks and streets, planted seeds at Costello Urban Farm, and took time out of their weekend to make a difference. Groundwork Lawrence wants to give special thanks to Comcast for supporting a 10th year of collaboration and excellent corporate citizenship.

As in past years, NBC Channel 10 Boston Chief Meteorologist Matt Noyes was the crowd motivator. Lawrence Mayor Daniel Rivera presented a City of Lawrence Proclamation to Lesly Melendez, Groundwork Lawrence Deputy Director, for the work she does in coordinating events like this.

Groundwork Lawrence is Celebrating 10 years of partnership with Comcast as the best demonstration of the power that collaboration has to create lasting change in Lawrence.

Contrary to previous years, DPW workers began to remove the bags full of leaves and garbage from the different sites. In addition, 2 mattresses and a TV that unscrupulous people had thrown in the Riverfront State Park, immediately after the cleaning operation had finished. Kudos to DPW workers for a job well done.