Hispanic Week on right on track

Hispanic Week is in full swing.  The beauty pageants have ended; we enjoyed the VIP lunch on Friday, June 5 and from that day on, the Nights have began, and for several days will take us through different countries by imaginary journeys learning about their cultures and ending, after three days of celebration in Campagnone Common with the now famous parade scheduled to take place on Sunday the 14th of this month of June.

Under the motto “Together in Harmony” each year, Hispanic Week has had several slogans according to the occasion, such as “Crossing the Bridge” which, though it was a difficult task, that bridge lead to the success of future generations as well as “Linking to your Community” to strengthen the ties, friendship and cooperation among many fraternal peoples.

“Looking at the Face of Hope” is the theme chosen this year and it is based on bringing a message of hope to children suffering from cancer as well as their parents and relatives.  A message that Hispanic Week and an entire community are here to support you, that you are not alone in the battle against this scourge that plagues so many families.

Hispanic Week has selected 7-year-old Grismar Estevez as representative of the message of hope.  In 2013, weighing 83 lbs. and with long black hair, Grismar was diagnosed with leukemia and immediately subjected to intensive chemotherapy treatments.  Within a month, Grismar had lost 49 lbs, her appetite and all her hair.  The only thing that chemotherapy could not erase was her spontaneous smile and her faith in God.  Although still under treatment, Grismar is in remission.

As every year, Hispanic Week has selected its Parade Marshals.  This time the choice could not be more appropriate with the election of Evelyn and Radames Marrero, parents of who in life was called Radames Jr. and affectionately called “Chungo”.  Chungo died at an early age, the victim of a cancerous brain tumor.

We support Hispanic Week and its officers for the guidance given to the festival this year, without abandoning the festive motive of the event, they extended a helping hand to those who suffer from this terrible evil.  We now know that in the end, all together, we will win the battle.