Lawrence News


The 1949 Lawrence High School Football Team was loaded with great high school athletes and coaches. Although I’m not sure of their record I remember watching them perform at the Lawrence Stadium as a young […]

Yamarco Guzmán, de 22 años de edad, natural de Lawrence y entrenado en el Canal Street Boxing Gym, fue coronado Campeón Middleweight en una pelea llevada a cabo en el Gleason's Boxing Gym de Brooklyn, NY contra Jimmy Baldwin el 23 de Julio, 2016. Lawrence’s New Champ Twenty-two-year-old Yamarco Guzman, a native of Lawrence who trained at the Canal Street Boxing Gym, was crowned Middleweight Champion in a fight held at Gleason's Boxing Gym in Brooklyn, NY against Jimmy Baldwin on July 23rd, 2016.
Lawrence News

Lawrence’s New Champ

By Alberto Suris 22-year-old, 165 Lbs, Yamarco Guzman, a native of Lawrence and trained by David Ortiz of the Canal Street Boxing Gym, was crowned Middleweight Champion in a fight held at Gleason’s Boxing Gym […]

Yamarco Guzmán, de 22 años de edad, natural de Lawrence y entrenado en el Canal Street Boxing Gym, fue coronado Campeón Middleweight en una pelea llevada a cabo en el Gleason's Boxing Gym de Brooklyn, NY contra Jimmy Baldwin el 23 de Julio, 2016. Lawrence’s New Champ Twenty-two-year-old Yamarco Guzman, a native of Lawrence who trained at the Canal Street Boxing Gym, was crowned Middleweight Champion in a fight held at Gleason's Boxing Gym in Brooklyn, NY against Jimmy Baldwin on July 23rd, 2016.
Lawrence News

Nuevo Campeón de Lawrence

Por Alberto Surís Yamarco Guzmán, de 22 años de edad, 165 peso, natural de Lawrence y entrenado por David Ortiz del Canal Street Boxing Gym, fue coronado Campeón Middleweight en una pelea llevada a […]

Lawrence News


I’ve chosen to feature 1934 as a subject this week and somewhere along this trip I’ll explain why. So many things happened in that period that I really became fascinated with that era and hope […]