Immigrant Place finally has a flag

By Dalia Diaz

Erving Severino, an auto mechanic who owns Independent Import Specialists, Inc. at 139 Jackson St., Lawrence, and his wife. Geni Severino is the office manager. They are a close knit family having raised three daughters with the youngest getting ready to attend college soon, following her sisters’ footsteps. They have a strong sense of patriotism.

He was recently on the news when a jar with almost $900 was stolen from his office. That money was destined for a veteran who lost the roof of his house in Puerto Rico and with the help from the Queen City Chapter of the Disabled Americans Veterans they were taking up a collection to bring him here for medical attention.

For a couple of years, the flag on the Immigrant Place park was torn and Erving Severino wanted to replace it but no one paid attention.

He spoke to the mayor’s office, politicians and anyone who would listen and nothing happened. He even bought a replacement flag and sent it to City Hall. After a while, he tried asking and nobody knew where the flag had gone.

Severino is an auxiliary with the Queen City Chapter of the Disabled Americans Veterans on Haverhill St. and upon telling them of his concern, Dennis DiZoglio set out to find one and get it done. This time, it was donated by the local post office.

The date was set for Tuesday, May 8 and Erving got his way. On a beautiful and sunny day, the American flag was hoisted on Immigrant Place, precisely by Angel Hernandez Rivera, the veteran for whom they were collecting to bring him from Puerto Rico. A group of firefighters who went to help Puerto Rico after the destruction of Irma was present.