Is your son or daughter a victim of Transgenderism?

Is your son or daughter a victim of Transgenderism?

By Dalia Díaz


After reading an article on what the National Institute for Health (NIH) is doing in this country, the only thing that came to mind was Dr. Josef Mengele the “angel of death” who conducted inhumane, and often deadly, medical experiments on prisoners at Auschwitz.

The issue of transgender affairs is in the news often and I don’t talk about it because I don’t have an opinion when it involves adults.  On December 8, 2022, my column mentioned the system used in the public schools system all over the country instructing children from an early age on sexual issues.

It has been known that Children’s Hospital in Boston was performing these surgeries and when I mentioned it, there were some who questioned from where I get my information.  I simply referred them to their webpage describing all of their services to that population.

Now, for those who doubted my word, I’ll refer them to a publication in The Daily Signal, Republicans Demand Answers From NIH on Transgender Youth ‘Experiments’ Study That Left 2 Dead, Others Sterilized, by Tyler O’Neil, dated May 9, 2023.

The article says in part, The National Institutes of Health granted $477,444 in a five-year grant to the Boston Children’s Hospital, the University of California at San Francisco, and the Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago for the study, Psychosocial Functioning in Transgender Youth after 2 Years of Hormones.  This was published by the New England Journal of Medicine published in January.

“The study analyzed 315 participants, identified as transgender and nonbinary, between the ages of 12 and 20, over the course of two years. These participants received “gender-affirming hormones,” i.e. hormones to make their male or female bodies resemble bodies of the opposite sex.

Johanna Olson of the Children’s Hospital in Boston “went as far as to claim that children can know their gender identity from the womb,” according to the article.  She was later given a federal grant to allow children as young as 8 years old to receive cross-sex hormones.

We never expected something like this in this country, allowing young people to be used in such an experiment causing two of them to commit suicide and the rest probably sterile as a result.  In television interviews we have seen cases of regret when they had breasts and genitals have been mutilated, only to realize that they have made a big mistake.  If they are of adult age, they are responsible for their actions but exposing children to that, using them to get a government grant is unforgivable.

The 15 Republicans from the House and Senate note the two suicides and 11 episodes of suicidal ideation.

They said in their letter, “Despite overwhelming evidence that chemically transitioning children is not safe, the NIH plans to give more than $10.6 million to experiment on children and adolescents through 2026,” and continued, “We are deeply concerned about your agency’s use of taxpayer dollars to advance experiments on children who will be irreversibly harmed by radical gender ideology.”

“Taxpayer dollars should not be used to fund studies that encourage gender transition interventions on young people,” Senator Ted Budd of North Carolina told The Daily Signal in a statement Monday. “The NIH must be held accountable for using taxpayer dollars to study these highly questionable experiments.”

Meanwhile, my question is if parents are aware of what their children are being taught in school, what conversations they are having with teachers and counselors that may be objectionable, and whether they have ever been told to keep secrets from their parents?

Parents cannot send their children to school in confidence that they will be taught according to our beliefs; instead, their minds and bodies are being poisoned.  It may not be a practice in your city or your child’s school but you have to make sure that it’s not happening by asking questions.

And, where are the churches on this?


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