By Dalia Díaz
On Friday, November 22, the Commonwealth celebrated the 17th annual National Adoption Day. In Massachusetts, 140 children who had been in state foster care found the forever home.
“As we celebrate the 20th anniversary of National Adoption Day, we are pleased to continue to be part of this necessary and focused opportunity to support the tens of thousands of children who have been adopted as a result of this initiative,” said Lisa Funaro, Executive Director of MARE. “Our continued work, not just on National Adoption Day — but every day, provides support and critical connections for youth in foster care who are waiting for an adoptive family. We couldn’t do any of this work without the support of our national and local community partners and of course our families.”
Why a National Adoption Day? Through no fault of their own, approximately 8,600 children are living in foster care in Massachusetts right now. While most will return to their birth parents, approximately 1,348 of these youth are among 123,000 children nationally who are waiting for adoption.
Hazel Lummus was a sensation from the moment of arrival that morning. She told Clerk Magistrate Judith M. Brennan that she brought a gift for each of the other six children being adopted and that she wanted to address the audience.
Even her mother Kristen Lummus had no idea of what she wanted to say but knowing that she is not shy and well behaved, she obliged. After all, her T-shirt says, “Forget Princess. Call me Your Honor.”
The Little Judge had everyone in stitches giving adoption advice to parents.
“Being adopted is great because you have someone who loves you and you have two birthdays: one the day you were born and another one the adoption day. You should also give them yummy lunches and take them places to have fun. And you grandparents, don’t worry; you can spoil them because you are not the parents.”
To learn more about adoption from foster care, in general, visit mareinc.org, or call 617-964-MARE (6273). Through its campaign, Foster MA, DCF continues to grow its community of foster parents and pre-adoptive parents. Information is available online, mass.gov/foster-care, or by calling (800) 543-7508.