Thorough and Transparent Process to Ensure Leadership
for the Lawrence Police Department by Spring 2025
To successfully tackle Lawrence’s public safety challenges, including drug trafficking, sex
trafficking, gang violence, and concerns related to homelessness, Mayor Brian A. DePeña today
announced the seven members of the search committee charged with selecting the next Chief
of Police for the Lawrence Police Department.
Page33 | P a g e”The people of Lawrence deserve a strong, effective leader for their police department,”
said Mayor DePeña. “The search committee will ensure a fair and participatory process,
resulting in a permanent police chief who will ensure the safety of Lawrence residents and be
able to unify and restore credibility within the department.”
In July 2024, the city enlisted MGT Consulting Group to lead the initial phases of the
recruitment and application process and announced that a seven-member search committee
would be formed in August. The position was officially posted on November 8, with a December
27 deadline for submissions. From an initial pool of 41 applicants, MGT identified 15 highly
qualified candidates. The search committee will now evaluate these candidates, conduct finalist
interviews, and provide the Mayor with a ranked list of recommendations. Following these
interviews, the Mayor will select a final candidate to present to the City Council for approval.
The search committee members announced today are:
Mayor’s Appointments:
1. Daniel Guzman
2. Milagros Grullon
3. Frankie Caraballo
4. Michael Laird
5. Dalia Diaz
6. Filbert Ferreira
City Council Appointment:
7. Councilor Stefany Infante
In addition to the seven-member committee, Susan Almono will serve as an alternate in
the event of individual scheduling conflicts.
Finding and vetting a permanent police chief is of the utmost importance to Mayor
DePeña after the ongoing internal LPD turmoil over the past years. After an independent
report – conducted by Comprehensive Investigations and Consulting (CIC) – relates to policy
violations. This investigation showed concern that the investigation was flawed, leading to a
second investigation, after text messages, and emails were discovered that “appeared to be of
significant concern and warranted further examination.”
The second investigation – conducted by Maverick Investigative Services and RCB &
Associates (Maverick) – affirmed the integrity of the CIC report but also identified “Significant
Procedural Missteps, Communication Breakdowns and Lack of Procedural Knowledge” in both
Page34 | P a g ethe CIC investigation and the LPD. Both reports highlight the need for improved
communication, stability, and accountability in the Lawrence Police Department. They further
underscore the importance of selecting a permanent police chief through a clear and
participatory process.
The City of Lawrence is committed to ensuring that this search results in a leader who
embodies the LPD’s core values, while also enhancing effectiveness, communication, and brings
stability within the department. The Mayor aims to have a new chief approved by the City
Council by early spring.
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