No apologies if this offends anyone By Greg Morris

No apologies if this offends anyone

By Greg Morris


A young man from Pittsburgh was being paid to entertain as a professional athlete. Sadly that young man was severely injured; he almost died; however, his life was saved. His contract is $4 million for 4 years. It was a scary incident that could have had a much sadder outcome and I am glad he will survive.

Since he is an athletic entertainer his name is all over the media and almost everyone is talking about him, about how lucky he is. He went to work carrying the weight of football pads and the pressure of putting on a good performance for the fans and his team.

The media is making this the top-of-the-hour story.  They refer to him as the young brave entertainer that survived a brush with death in a freak accident while he was making millions performing. Social media and news media brag how a GoFundMe account for the entertainer’s charity has raised more than $4.7 million in his name by people donating.

Two other men went to work also from Pittsburgh just like the entertainer. These two men made a lot less money, had a lot more pressure, and carried the weight of promises to their families and an oath to their community. Instead of pads and a helmet, they wore a badge and a vest.

The badge they wear reads POLICE OFFICER and it may be small but it carries the weight of knowing they promised their families they will return home, the weight of an oath to serve and protect a community by being the only thing that stood between the innocent and evil.

On a scale the football pads weigh more than a badge of a few ounces. But in the heart, that badge weighs a thousand times more than those pads. One of those men lies in a hospital recovering from a gunshot wound with his family, friends, community, and the Blue Line by his side. The other man paid the supreme sacrifice; there’s no greater love than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. Today the officer’s family, friends, community, and Blue Line prepare to say goodbye.

These two men, Brackenridge Police Chief Justin McIntire and Tarentum Officer Jordan Schrecengost are the second story in the news and talked about less on social media while the entertainer’s GoFundMe charity is now at $4.7 million and dozens of sports and screen entertainers reach out to support the entertainer and his charity.

The family of murdered Brackenridge Police Chief Justin McIntire will say their goodbyes and have to face a future without him. Tarentum Officer Jordan Schrecengost will face a long road to recovery and a lifetime of physical and mental scars. I am sure there will be community support for both of these brave men but, do you think it will amount to the tune of $4.7 million? Neither do I.

It sickens me these men are second to an athlete. The media needs to get right who the true heroes are.

Again I am glad the entertainer will be OK but I stand with the Blue Line. My heart and prayers go to the families and LEO family of Brackenridge Police Chief Justin McIntire and Tarentum Officer Jordan Schrecengost, the true heroes.


Editor’s note:

Greg Morris gave me permission to add the name of the actor Jeremy Renner who got run over by his snow plow is getting a lot of play, too.

If you want to contribute to saving a life, send your contribution to Stacy Morris who’s been kept alive thanks to $2,000 in medications each month.  Send it to:

For more information, please visit our 9/22/22 edition


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