Origin of the moral disorder of the 21st century
By Tomás Núñez, ThD.
In this article we try to reconcile psychology with the Christian faith. We will try to
explain solutions for evils such as gender ideology or the manipulation of science.
Studying the thought of Saint Thomas Aquinas and bringing it closer to
psychology. We are surprised by the result.
The existential lie.
There are psychologists who think that “neurosis” has its cause in a disorder of
the soul of the human being. In other words, it is an existential lie. What does this
mean? Simply that the person deceives himself and does not want to recognize reality,
does not want to recognize himself as a creature.
Thus, neurosis is explained as a rebellion of the human being against the fact
that he is a creature with many limitations. The human being refuses to accept this
reality. And that is where his problems begin.
And of course, the origin of all this is nothing more than original sin. Our fallen
nature – although repaired by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ – impels us to become the
standard of our own conduct and the measure of all things.
For this reason, we are all potentially neurotic, because we can all rebel against
what we are.
This can be clearly seen in many trends in the present world, where the denial of
God leads to the denial of everything that testifies to His ordering intelligence, His Will
that things be as they are. For this reason we see people who rebel against what they
are, they do not accept themselves as finite and limited creatures.
I believe that "apart from neurosis there is only the saint"
Therefore, the way to deal with this tendency that all human beings have is to
accept that we are creatures. The true health of the soul is found in holiness.
If the origin of original sin is pride and a certain selfishness that drives us to
rebellion, overcoming this comes through love. It is through love that the saints fought
their own limitations, accepted themselves as creatures and assumed their dependence
on God, their Creator.
The path is the love of God
To confront this impulse of rebellion of the human being that ends up being the
cause of his unhappiness, an inner revolution is necessary, a change of mind that
replaces pride with humility, egocentrism with abandonment. But this cannot be done if
the human being is not moved by authentic love.
As Martín Echavarría, psychologist and doctor in philosophy, comments, "only
the love of God can fulfill the aspirations of the human being." But this aspiration cannot
be achieved by ourselves, but by the grace that comes from above.
The path of holiness, with the help of grace, is what allows us to overcome our
tendency to rebellion, our opposition to recognizing ourselves as children of God. This is
what the Church does not teach!
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