Outdoor Recreation Expands 6/12

No-Contact Activities to Resume

Mayor Dan Rivera with Department of Public Works Director, Brian Pena, and the Lawrence Board of Health, announce the expansion of passive recreational spaces, that includes the Den Rock Park Parking Lot and all Tennis Courts across the city, starting Friday, June 12, 2020. In line with the guidance provided by the Governor in Phase II of the reopening plan, visitors of Den Rock Park and tennis courts will still be expected to practice social distance and wear a mask or facial covering to avoid the spread of the virus.


Public health is the priority and motivator behind the reopening dates. As of 6/9/2020, the City of Lawrence has recorded 3,290 confirmed cases of coronavirus and 123 deaths at the hand of the virus. The total spread is unknown even in this late date. The city continues to rank 3rd in cases per capita and 5th in total infections. Despite our efforts, the rate of testing is low. Still less than 200 people are tested per day. The City’s percentage of people testing positive was at 16%, while the Commonwealth’s positive rate was a little under 5%. “Expanding passive recreation options for residents is important as the weather gets warmer, but we must remember that we are still in a national state of emergency due to the Coronavirus,” said Mayor Dan Rivera. “In Lawrence, we are still very much a hotspot, and our testing numbers remain low. It is absolutely vital that residents practice social distancing, wear face coverings or a mask and refrain from gathering in groups while utilizing recreational areas in our community.”

Passive Recreational Spaces Open 6/12:

 Sullivan Park Tennis Courts, North Parish Road, Lawrence

 Parking at Den Rock Park (Den Rock Park Continues Open)

 Individual and Small Group Passive Recreation Continues Open


**Please note that Tennis Courts are for TENNIS ONLY, no other Contact Sports. **

Recreational Areas Still Closed:

 Playgrounds and Splash Pads remain CLOSED.

 All contact sport fields and high contact recreational amenities remain CLOSED, including but not limited to:


Baseball Fields

Basketball Courts

Soccer Fields

Football Fields

Outdoor Fitness Area

 No contact sports will be allowed during Phase II unless they are limiting activity to no-contact drills and practices. In these cases, groups should adhere to group size restrictions (no more than 10) including coaches, staff and participants.

 Scrimmages, organized games and tournaments are NOT ALLOWED for contact sports in Phase II. Contact sports include, but are not limited to, basketball, football, baseball, soccer, field hockey, and lacrosse.


Best Practices for Recreational Spaces:

 Visitors must practice social distancing by remaining 6 feet away from others and adhering to all site-specific rules and regulations including wearing a face mask or facial covering when social distancing is not possible.

 On trails, walkers and hikers should move aside and leave room for others to pass.

 After visiting public spaces, users should wash their hands or use hand sanitizer.

 Users waiting to utilize the tennis courts should wait outside the courts until previous users have vacated to ensure proper social distancing.

 Group sizes should be limited to no more than 10 participants at one time to avoid overcrowding.

 Individuals should not congregate in parking lots or court entrances as to avoid overcrowding.


For questions regarding the reopening call 978-620-3140.