We must honor Memorial Day this year

On Monday, May 27, we will be commemorating Memorial Day in Lawrence and many other places throughout the country.

It is a day of national celebration that was established for the first time to honor Union soldiers who died during the Civil War and then expanded to include all those who die due to wars or military action.

It is a day to recognize and honor those men and women who have renounced their welfare and that of their families, to ensure the security of our country and our citizens.

For us immigrants who have found refuge in this great country, especially those who have lived under dictatorial regimes where human life is worthless, observing Memorial Day is very important, especially now that so many people confuse the true meaning of the day with outdoor snacks, trips to the beaches or buying a new car.

This coming Monday, you can do everything that has been mentioned above, but reserve part of the time during the morning to pay tribute to the men and women who have offered their lives so that you can live and prosper in this country in peace.

The appointment is at 9:00 in the morning at the Bellevue Cemetery, one of the oldest and finest in the country, where the remains of the first soldier killed during the Civil War are found, as well as many of the First and Second World Wars, as well as from Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and now Syria.

You just have to go there and say “Thank you”!