Having talked to Mayor Daniel Rivera regarding his first 100 days, we learned how busy he’s been and the issues he has been tackling as part of his “clean house” attitude. But, we would like to remind him of the things that he seems to be overlooking that are truly important to the citizenry.
The Comcast Cable contract is about to expire in November of this year. More than one year is required to go over the current contract, make the necessary changes and analyze the technology the city is now using. Bad enough that the Verizon contract was signed without any input from the community!
When we told him after the inauguration, he said he would do something about it. If something is being done at this time or he has appointed someone to review it, he should have included that in his list of accomplishments. We cannot allow this contract to auto-extend for the next ten years with the same service and outdated technology.
The Cable Advisory Commission was abolished eight years ago and this was the only vehicle for residents to express what they thought of their service. Rivera has never given an answer to this because he probably thinks it will put pressure on Lawrence Community Access Television. He already made clear since he was campaigning, that he will not do anything to represent the public’s interests with regard to this valuable communication asset and which we are deprived to use.
It is evident now that our community has been complaining for over ten years about abuse at the hands of the police department and it was very sad finding out that they are still the order of the day. The accusations expressed by Police Officer William Green before the City Council last week tells us that nothing has changed even with the new Police Chief.
These are very important issues that should have been addressed on day one of his administration or immediately after hearing that they exist.
We know that Mayor Rivera is not a good communicator. We hope that he is doing something about these problems.