It’s Thanksgiving, a time to forget
While we understand that Elections and Thanksgiving are two very different topics that do not belong in the same story, let along in the same sentence, we are going to give it a try. Having […]
While we understand that Elections and Thanksgiving are two very different topics that do not belong in the same story, let along in the same sentence, we are going to give it a try. Having […]
Mientras que comprendemos que las Elecciones y el Día de Acción de Gracia son dos temas muy diferentes que no pertenecen juntos en la misma historia, mucho menos en la misma oración, vamos a probar […]
Greater Lawrence Family Health Center se enorgullece en reconocer a Alicia Mam daCunha, PharmD, AE-C por recibir el Premio Distinguida Joven Farmacéutica de Massachusetts 2014, presentado por las Empresas Mutuas Farmacéuticas en cooperación con la […]
Greater Lawrence Family Health Center is proud to recognize Alicia Mam daCunha, PharmD, AE-C for receiving the 2014 Distinguished Young Pharmacist award for Massachusetts, presented by Pharmacists Mutual Companies in cooperation with the Massachusetts Pharmacists […]
Another Election Day has passed in Lawrence and we congratulate the winners and those who did not reach the goal, the voters and the Elections Department. Fortunately, the day passed without major problems and […]
Otro Día de Elecciones ha pasado en Lawrence y felicitamos a los triunfadores así como a los que no llegaron a la meta, a los votantes y el Departamento de Elecciones. Afortunadamente, el día […]
El odio prevalece Esta semana se demostró que las elecciones se decidieron basadas en el odio. Había tanta repugnancia hacia William Lantigua que algunas personas habrían votado por el mismo diablo si estuviera en la […]
Hatred prevails This week was demonstrated that the elections were decided based on hatred. There was so much disgust towards William Lantigua that some people would have voted for the devil himself if he were […]
On November 4th, the state election ballots will be carrying the names of the candidates that survived the Primary Election of September 9, 2014. For Governor and Lieutenant Governor, this year we will be choosing […]
El 4 de noviembre, las boletas electorales estatales llevarán los nombres de los candidatos que sobrevivieron a la Elección Primaria del 9 de septiembre de 2014. Para gobernador y vicegobernador, este año estaremos escogiendo entre […]
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