
Excerpts from Melix Bonilla’s Trial

By Jose A. Ayala MONDAY SEPT 22, 2014: Canceled. TUESDAY, SEPT 23, 2014             The jury was finally selected in the second round after assessments and individual questioning by two judges with the defense and […]


How old is Grandma?

By Frank Benjamin A little boy was talking to his grandmother about current events and he asked her what she thought about the shootings in schools, computer age, and things in general. She said let […]


An opportunity lost

The results of the latest Primary Election held September 9th 2014 in Massachusetts, left the majority of Lawrencians looking for explanations but mainly for excuses. On the front line, we had two young Democrats, Pavel […]


Una oportunidad perdida

Los resultados de la última Elección Primaria celebrada el 9 de septiembre 2014 en Massachusetts, dejaron a la mayoría de lawrencianos en busca de explicaciones, pero sobre todo excusas. En la línea al frente, teníamos […]