It’s time to help out
Much has been said and written about the snow that has fallen on us these days and months and years will pass without being erased from memory. Having two Blizzards in one month I do […]
Much has been said and written about the snow that has fallen on us these days and months and years will pass without being erased from memory. Having two Blizzards in one month I do […]
Mucho se ha dicho y escrito sobre la nieve que nos ha caído estos días y pasarán meses y años sin que se nos borre de la memoria. Tener dos Blizzards en un mes no […]
El Alcalde de Haverhill James J. Fiorentini fue elegido por unanimidad Presidente de la Asociación de Alcaldes de Massachusetts (MMAA) durante la Reunión Anual de la Asociación Municipal de Massachusetts (MMA), celebrada en Boston el […]
Haverhill Mayor James J. Fiorentini was unanimously elected President of the Massachusetts Mayors’ Association (MMaA) during the Annual Meeting of the Massachusetts Municipal Association (MMA) held in Boston on January 23 and 24, 2015.
Due the unprecedented amount of snow and extremely cold weather, the Parade Committee has decided to move the date of the Parade from Sunday March 8th to Saturday March 28th.
No doubt that this February will be remembered for a long, long time and we will be very happy when it passes, taking all the snow away. In all the time we have been in this country […]
No cabe la menor duda que este mes de febrero lo vamos a recordar por mucho tiempo y nos vamos a alegrar si cuando pase, se lleva la nieve consigo. Con el tiempo que llevamos en este […]
Joseph D’Orazio de Haverhill y Marianne Paley Nadel de Chestnut Hill fueron nombrados recientemente a la Junta Fiduciaria de la universidad Northern Essex Community College por el ex gobernador Deval Patrick. D’Orazio, quien trabajó durante […]
Joseph D’Orazio of Haverhill and Marianne Paley Nadel of Chestnut Hill were recently appointed to the Northern Essex Community College Board of Trustees by former Governor Deval Patrick.
Team Haverhill y Pentucket Bank, en colaboración con los Amigos de Rail Trail en Bradford, anuncian un llamado a los artistas a presentar sus diseños para esculturas originales tridimensionales, para una instalación al aire libre […]
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