
Please get out and vote!

Traditionally, many people in the United States don’t go out to vote during the Presidential Primary Elections for not considering them as important as the Final Election in November. Primaries are even more significant than […]


¡Por favor, salga a votar!

Tradicionalmente, muchas personas en los Estados Unidos no salen a votar durante las Elecciones Preliminares para la Presidencia por no considerarlas tan importantes como las Elecciones Finales de noviembre. Las Elecciones Preliminares son aún más […]

Kemal Bozkurt

Our library is in good hands

Seems like yesterday when the Library of Lawrence Board of Trustees chose Maureen Nimmo as its executive director. It didn’t take much time to make herself known.  Maureen did not come only to keep the […]


Algo distinto y admirable

El pasado viernes 12 y con motivo de estar celebrándose el 172 aniversario    de la proclamación de la independencia de la República Dominicana, los dominicanos del patio izaron su bandera como todos los años y […]

Desde Mi Esquina/From My Corner

From My Corner: February 15, 2016

What happened to government of the people, by the people, and for the people? I write this portion of my column on the 207th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s birth.  Each February we celebrate both Lincoln’s […]