Lawrence News

Ceremonia del Día de los Caídos

Por Alberto Surís El lunes, 28 de mayo, la Ciudad de Lawrence celebró una ceremonia en el Cementerio de Bellevue para honrar a los caídos de todas las guerras. La ceremonia comenzó con el ROTC […]

Lawrence News

Memorial Day Ceremony

By Alberto Surís On Monday, May 28th, the City of Lawrence held a ceremony at Bellevue Cemetery to honor the fallen of all wars. The ceremony started with the Lawrence High School ROTC, Lawrence Fire […]

Desde Mi Esquina/From My Corner

From My Corner: June 1, 2018

Need not apply If you are not a mayor’s friend, don’t bother applying for jobs advertised in city government. It’s happening over and over again that innocent people apply for positions advertised with the City […]

Desde Mi Esquina/From My Corner

Desde Mi Esquina: Junio 1, 2018

No es necesario aplicar Si no es amigo del alcalde, no se moleste en solicitar empleos publicados en el gobierno de la ciudad. Está sucediendo una y otra vez que personas inocentes solicitan puestos anunciados […]

Rumbo Editorial

Something unacceptable

For several days we were looking for information about the celebration of Memorial Day in Lawrence, without success. We asked several department heads of the city as well as councilors. The answer was always the […]