Lawrence Police Department
Lawrence News

El enemigo dentro

Por Dalia Díaz Leerá informes importantes y de primera mano de esta investigación en esta edición de Rumbo. Este es un artículo de espionaje y traición en el Departamento de Policía de Lawrence de un […]

Lawrence Police Department
Lawrence News

An Enemy Within

By Dalia Diaz You will read important and first-hand reporting of this investigation in this edition of Rumbo. This is an article of espionage and treason in the Lawrence Police Department from a mastermind, who […]

Lawrence News


Por Richard J. DeRosas Lawrence Development Group, LLC (LDG) está buscando aproximadamente 17.8 millones de dólares en fondos privados y públicos para restaurar la histórica Iglesia y Salón de St Anne en Lawrence, MA. Hemos […]

Lawrence News

Lawrence Performance Center

By Richard J. DeRosas Lawrence Development Group, LLC (LDG) is seeking approximately 17.8 million dollars in private and public funds to restore the historic St Anne’s Church and Hall in Lawrence MA. We have identified […]

Desde Mi Esquina/From My Corner

From My Corner: June 22, 2019

William Green sues LPD Former police Officer William Green has presented a demand in Lawrence District Court against the police department requesting that his license to carry be returned.  Mr. Green believes, according to federal […]


Desde Mi Esquina: Junio 22, 2019

William Green demanda LPD El ex oficial de policía William Green ha presentado una demanda en el Tribunal de Distrito de Lawrence contra el departamento de policía solicitando que se le devuelva su licencia de […]