Lawrence News

Still under a cloud

By Dalia Diaz On Friday, March 23, 2019 a new Wikipedia page was added to the site.  The page was a biography or autobiography of Mayor Dan Rivera. Usually, Wikipedia does not see biographies written […]

Lawrence News

Celebrating Irish Heritage Month

By Alberto Suris Following the tradition, every year, members of the Irish Consulate meet in the Library of South Lawrence with a group of students from the Catholic Academy and read books to them and […]

Lawrence News

Aún bajo una nube

Por Dalia Diaz El viernes, 23 de marzo de 2019 se agregó una nueva página de Wikipedia al sitio. La página era una biografía o autobiografía del Alcalde Dan Rivera. Por lo general, Wikipedia no […]

Guest Opinions

Pagando por una educación de lujo

Un punto de vista © 1996 Paul V. Montesino, PhD, MBA Algunos colegios y universidades son excelentes, algunos buenos, otros más-o-menos y el resto no buenos en lo absoluto. Si espera que enumere los nombres […]

Desde Mi Esquina/From My Corner

From My Corner: March 22, 2019

Caught in another error! Yes, I made a mistake last week.  In the section congratulating Franklin Miguel, I said that his wife’s name is Laura.  Her name is really Lourdes but, because she doesn’t belong […]